Friday, July 27, 2012


We are to be holy. (1 Peter 1:16)

I don't know about you, but I am not perfect... let alone holy.

There are a lot of people who ridicule Christians for claiming they are perfect.  Yet, in reality... the majority of Christians I know, including myself, don't claim themselves as, nor are they anywhere near, being holy.

There are people I used to be friends with or people who knew me a few years ago and I can honestly say that I am not that same person.  People might look at my past and see someone insecure, rebellious, depressed, coldhearted, and some other words I am too embarassed to even mention.  Then they ask, "You? Holy? Yea right."

I'm not saying I'm perfect.  Nor am I saying that I don't strive to be.  Because perfect and holy is what God has called me to be, but I am SO far from that.  I strive for it every day though.  And not for my self, but for God.  The God who has changed me completely from the person I used to be.  God says that the old has gone and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).   I truly believe this 100%.  I couldn't be more thankful for that.

I hate when I see Christians claiming they are better than a non-Christian... like they have some sort of right to put themselves on a pedastool above another human being.  Although, I have been accused of this more than once, and my heart breaks when someone sees that in me, I hate that my old self can portray such selfishness.

We are all made in the likeness of Christ, and we are all fallen and that means we are all sinful.  The only difference, if we have accepted Jesus into our lives and are in a relationship with Him, is that we are saved from the consequences of sin.  Ultimately-- hell.  This is called salvation.  Salvation from hell and we are granted eternity with the God who loves us more than anyone could ever love us.

God has loved me more than anyone ever has and ever will.  He knows how horrible of a person I used to be and how horrible of a person I can still be at times.

I struggle with this holiness thing.

I still grieve and mourn over the stupid mistakes I make and how I can be so harsh with people when I am called to be a reflection of the loving Christ that I serve.  I hate that... I hate how my old self (also known as the "flesh") can take root in me and wreck havoc in my life.  I hate how I can give God a bad reputation... and my heart breaks.

This holiness thing has been getting to me lately.  I've been realizing that I am called to be holy, because my God is holy.  I am to be a reflection of Him and I am to let go of my past.  Because that is gone.  New has come.  Today is the day to decide to live a holy life.  To sacrificially give up the desires that do not line up with what God has in store for me.

Strive to be holy, because HE is holy.


  1. Amen, Stephanie. Awesome post.


  2. I can only say WOW .... GOD is working thru you ... I really needed your words today.... I struggle constantly with truly to be the person that GOD has called me to is hard and fail horribly at times. Thank You....and just remember that as brothers and sisters in Christ we are never alone and can always count on each other!

    1. I'm so glad that you made the point of counting on others. That is so important to remember! And I'm glad that I could be of help to you today. Cindy! :)

  3. I so agree and have often felt the same way! This is a great reminder to me :) God has shown me that though we are not perfect, he still loves us and humbles himself to be with us anyways! And how when we are faithless, he is still faithful through it all. His love never fails and his love is more than enough to reconcile us. I love 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, It shows not only how we are to love one another, but How God has loved us! God has been working on me with my love for others and it's been hard haha, but Good. Each day he puts a new situation in my life where I can choose to either walk out in love, or in anger/hurt/ whatever else comes against me. The more and more I choose to love, the easier it becomes, and the harder the next challenge. But Praise God! He is faithful, when I am faithless! And he's not just the God of second chances! but of 3rd and 4th and on and on! Although his love and patience should never be a cop out to loving others! --All this to say, his love is more than enough! And you, Stephanie, are always dear and near to his heart.

    Keturah Hansen

    1. Thank you Keturah. You are so right. He is faithful no matter how unfaithful we are to Him. Thank you for reminding me of that, it just reiterates to me how AMAZING and merciful our God is. This is why I want to be Holy... to reflect more and more of who Christ truly is. I am so glad He is working on you with loving others! Same here, girl! And it's so hard at times. I hate it. Yet, I love it all the more because I know that each time that I die to myself I am being made new in Him :) Thank you so much for your post and actually taking the time to read my silly posts!! <3

  4. What a REAL post. Your words are so true and such a great reminder of the call to be holy for He is holy. Found your blog through your comment on Carmen's post at LifeBlessons.

    1. Ugena, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and comment! I appreciate the encouragement that someone actually does read it :) It’s so hard at times to strive to be Holy. Sometimes I just want to lash out at others but I know that it will only make things worse. I want to strive to please the only One that matters—and sometimes that means giving up what WE want, for what HE wants… no matter how hard it is! God bless!
