Sunday, October 13, 2013

Outreach to the Middle East

Middle East-- here we come!

Bringing the light of the gospel to the hardest and darkest of places... this is what we were born for.

We are so excited to be going to the Middle East in January for two whole months! Peter and I prayed for a long time for the location of our outreach and what the Lord would have us to do, and He has clearly called us to go to these people.  I know that while we are there we will learn SO much about the people, the culture, and we will see the GREATNESS of our God.

Why the Middle East? Not sure, but I know that if we don't go, we would be in disobedience to God. And I fear that over fearing anything and anyone else in my life. I want to follow Jesus wherever He leads me, and to not sway away from that, even if that means going to a place where so many people fear because it is "unsafe" or "corrupt".  This is WHY I am a Christian-- to shine Christ's LIGHT into DARK places! This is what we were made for. Oh, and yes we are being wise about what we are doing and where we are going there.  We have some amazing leaders taking us!

Also-- the people here are so receptive to the Gospel, and they want to know who Jesus is.  Reminds me of the verse where Jesus says to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field". -Matthew 9:34-35.  This is why we are going.  We will also be teaching them English while we are there, so we are helping them in a tangible way that will be useful for them in their everyday lives.  I can't wait for this! I never imagined I would have this opportunity.

Why go on missions in general? Because seeing God in these other nations, makes my view of Him GREATER, not smaller. He gets the MAXIMUM GLORY.

It makes me more aware that God is working in the hearts of those in other nations, and not just my own.  It makes my view of myself and my home country so much less inflated.  It reminds me that God has called every one of us Christ-followers to GO and proclaim the Gospel to every nation, tribe, and tongue.  We are all a family in Christ.  And if we don't do this, if we are not obedient to the calling He has on our lives, then how can we say that we truly love Him?  Just something that I've been thinking about.

I have great conviction of this in my heart, and I am praying diligently that others would too. Missions isn't just for some of us, it is for ALL of us.  And usually, when you reach other nations, you not only "bless" them... you get so much more blessing in return.  It's incredible. God wants us to serve Him in every aspect of life; to get out of our comfortable houses and our comfort zones; to let go of our insecurities and to let down our walls, and FOLLOW HIM.  Won't you listen?

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