Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Homestretch // 8 months

Hello to week 34; only 6 (or so) more to go!

As I write this, Asher is moving around like crazy on my right side underneath my ribs.  Sometimes it isn't painful but this morning it definitely is!   Even though it hurts, I am so excited that he is growing and getting strong.

This week:

He is the size of a cantaloupe, weighs approx. 5 lbs. and is about 18 in. long.

Recap of the past 2 months:

-he has started hiccuping, it's so sweet!
-his movements have started to hurt
-unable to sleep on my sides anymore (literally have gotten stuck twice, it was horrible)
-aching back (due to sleeping propped up oddly on my back all night)
-hello braxton hicks
-stretching has become imperative every day
-going to the chiropractor once a week
-not able to eat as much, I guess my stomach doesn't have that much room anymore!
-getting more comfortable with the birth center, our bags are packed!!
-it's been difficult trying to balance work, studying for the GRE test, working out, and nesting
-we have everything we need, thanks to our amazing communities in MD and in FL
-my FL community threw me a baby brunch at First Watch, I felt so incredibly loved
-about to start book #4 (or 5?) about labor/delivery. I LOVE learning about all of this and preparing
-just started learning about recovery (I need to do lots more research)
-WE GOT A HOUSE! Praise God. Still searching for that 2nd vehicle though

So since we have a home we can actually make a nursery for our sweet babe! But... it's so close to his due date and I am honestly so exhausted so much that I don't know if I can manage it.  We have all of his things set up in our room and we might just leave it all that way ;)   besides... we have an entire house to furnish first (GASP!)

Hopefully next time I blog, it will be welcoming our sweet baby into this world <3