19 weeks // Boy or Girl?!
It's a BOY!!!
Today is the day. I get an ultrasound to determine the sex of our baby!
Backtrack to last weekend.
I felt Baby O. move! I was laying on my stomach on the beach and felt one little "pop" like a little bubble was bursting right below/to the side of my belly button. That definitely wasn't gas ;) it was so neat to finally feel baby move! Then, the next day, I felt baby move once again. God, this is so amazing.
Ultrasound this morning.
It was a quick visit but I wasn't upset because we got to see our baby moving around and heard their heartbeat. Everything looked great. Then the doctor pointed to a little spot on the sonogram and said "what do you think that is?" and Peter immediately responded "IT'S A PENIS!" I about died. Not sure from the hilarity of the moment or because we were totally shocked that it was a boy... we were for SURE that it was going to be a girl! Totally wrong ;)
-He's the size of a mango this week (I love being able to say "he"!)
-I am feeling a bit more tired than I was a few weeks ago and my stress levels are a bit higher than normal.
-The crib and dresser are freshly painted and we just need a few more things for the room.
-Now we know he is a boy, we can start registering. I am super excited about this!
-I am looking into birthing centers instead of a hospital *gasp!!* ;) I am pretty confident this is the route I am going to take. Plus, my doctor is leaving his practice anyway, boo.
(good documentary on Netflix to watch if you're interested: "The Business of Being Born")
So, baby boy, we are so excited to meet you! You are already such a little prince. We love you and can't wait to meet you. Our family & our ywam community is also SUPER excited to meet you as well. But, please, stay in there for as long as necessary ;) grow grow grow!
Oh, and we need a name. So let the process begin. Yay!