Thursday, June 14, 2012

Faith of a Child

Do you ever feel like your life is passing you by?  Like each day just blends together and the weekend never seems long enough?  That’s how I’ve been feeling lately.  Sometimes I sit at work, and even at home, and I feel as though my life is passing me by.  I feel like I don’t make a difference and that I am wasting my time; time that could be better spent elsewhere.  I look at my life and I see how fast this past year has gone and realize that it’s almost summer… again.  And there isn’t that excitement anymore like there used to be when I was little.

Where has the joy gone?

The seasons blend together for me now and they never used to.  Yes, I’m still young, but now I truly understand why everyone older than me has told me that the older you get, the faster your life flies by.  Yet, I think there’s something deeper than just “getting older” making time fly.  As we get older I think we get more discontent, worrisome… anxious.  At least for me, in my twenties and newly married, that’s how it is.

Jesus says that we must enter the Kingdom of Heaven like children (Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:15).  Little children are trusting, straightforward, have a sense of wonder, and are simplistic.


I would love to have a simple life, but as I grow up I feel like it’s becoming seemingly impossible.  There’s always something on the calendar to do, something to cook, something to clean, somewhere to go, someone to see.  I think this is why Jesus reminds us that we need to focus on Him and find rest and assurance in our lives through the eyes of a child.  Trust in Him with wonder, awe, and in the simple fact that He is our Father.  Be joyful in the little things in life, be grateful for everything we have, and learn to be content in every circumstance (Philippians 4:12).

I’m slowly but surely learning to be joyful.