Friday, July 27, 2012


We are to be holy. (1 Peter 1:16)

I don't know about you, but I am not perfect... let alone holy.

There are a lot of people who ridicule Christians for claiming they are perfect.  Yet, in reality... the majority of Christians I know, including myself, don't claim themselves as, nor are they anywhere near, being holy.

There are people I used to be friends with or people who knew me a few years ago and I can honestly say that I am not that same person.  People might look at my past and see someone insecure, rebellious, depressed, coldhearted, and some other words I am too embarassed to even mention.  Then they ask, "You? Holy? Yea right."

I'm not saying I'm perfect.  Nor am I saying that I don't strive to be.  Because perfect and holy is what God has called me to be, but I am SO far from that.  I strive for it every day though.  And not for my self, but for God.  The God who has changed me completely from the person I used to be.  God says that the old has gone and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).   I truly believe this 100%.  I couldn't be more thankful for that.

I hate when I see Christians claiming they are better than a non-Christian... like they have some sort of right to put themselves on a pedastool above another human being.  Although, I have been accused of this more than once, and my heart breaks when someone sees that in me, I hate that my old self can portray such selfishness.

We are all made in the likeness of Christ, and we are all fallen and that means we are all sinful.  The only difference, if we have accepted Jesus into our lives and are in a relationship with Him, is that we are saved from the consequences of sin.  Ultimately-- hell.  This is called salvation.  Salvation from hell and we are granted eternity with the God who loves us more than anyone could ever love us.

God has loved me more than anyone ever has and ever will.  He knows how horrible of a person I used to be and how horrible of a person I can still be at times.

I struggle with this holiness thing.

I still grieve and mourn over the stupid mistakes I make and how I can be so harsh with people when I am called to be a reflection of the loving Christ that I serve.  I hate that... I hate how my old self (also known as the "flesh") can take root in me and wreck havoc in my life.  I hate how I can give God a bad reputation... and my heart breaks.

This holiness thing has been getting to me lately.  I've been realizing that I am called to be holy, because my God is holy.  I am to be a reflection of Him and I am to let go of my past.  Because that is gone.  New has come.  Today is the day to decide to live a holy life.  To sacrificially give up the desires that do not line up with what God has in store for me.

Strive to be holy, because HE is holy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Christmas Kitty

I know it's almost a 100 degrees out but I just had to post about our kitten at some point.. and I think this is a good time in spite of this hot weather! 
Maleik.  He brings me so much joy. Peter knows me so well, I am so indecisive but he knew my heart well enough to know that I really did want a kitten for Christmas. He’s our Christmas kitty and he keeps me entertained; he helps me to not be lonely when I’m alone at our house; he purrs and my heart melts.   His name is a combination of being a Christmas gift and of our honeymoon in Hawaii.

Mele Kalikimaka means ‘Merry Christmas’ in Hawaiian

We thought shortening it up a bit was a good idea. He even knows his name now by the way we say it *cue high-pitched voice* and comes running!

In God’s Word it says how He has made everything by Him and for Him.  I truly believe that animals bring out the best and the worst in us.  From the potty training, to the meowing all night, to the constant needing of food and water, and to the days that you just don’t want to deal with them any longer… that requires patience.  It requires self-control, on which a few occasions I have been tested! It requires us to be slow to anger.

All of these things test our faith and help us to remember that we need to rely on God through these little trials our animals take us through.  Maleik continues to teach me how to be patient and gentle with him… and how can I not? He’s so stinkin’ adorable!
Have you ever thought about animals this way, or is it just me?!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Taking Care of Myself

Have you ever wanted to sleep the day away? Or do you come home from work feeling exhausted even though you’ve been sitting for eight hours? That’s how I’ve been feeling lately.  I have no energy, no motivation to get up and move, and just “no time” for practically anything!  I feel down in the dumps.  This is when I am reminded that I have a body to take care of… and it’s asking me to do so!  Our bodies get tired if they aren’t prepared to move, to do, to go.  This is why I am committing to taking better care of my body.  Eating right and moving more.

I am absolutely exhausted… from nothing.
And that’s not good!

So I decided to go to the high-intensity training class that my gym holds three times a week.  Good start class, huh?  I basically fell on the floor when it was over.  I am so out of shape (and no I am not overweight, but just because I’m not doesn’t mean that I’m healthy either!) and this class just proved that to me.

We all have to take care of ourselves; to exercise; to eat healthy; to drink more water.  Speaking of water… I only drink about a cup a day, IF that.  I can definitely tell that it affects me. 

Nothing in this life that is worth having, including good health, comes without a cost.  It’s hard work to stay healthy… to say no to that extra helping or to that amazingly delicious milkshake.  It’s hard work to get up off the computer to go for a walk or go to the gym.  I struggle with the latter and it’s something I need to work on while I’m still young; to make it a part of my life.  It’s funny how you know when you need to change things in your life but it’s so hard to just CHANGE.

Change is hard, but I need to do it.  I need to take care of myself... don't we all?
What is hard for you to stay disciplined at doing?  What helps you to get motivated?